“It’s such a relief to see a chiropractor that works with my primary care doctor. I feel better knowing that all aspects of my health are considered with MyoCore.”

– K. Kelly


Our doctors are dedicated to improving the quality of life of every patient through drug-free, noninvasive treatments that relieve pain by improving joint motion, optimizing muscle function, and restoring proper flexibility and strength.

All of our doctors are experts in chiropractic care who are licensed practitioners and have undergone extensive training. They are highly skilled in advanced soft tissue techniques such as trigger point therapy, myofascial release and other soft tissue techniques.

Meet the doctors at your location.

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Integrated care is a team-based approach that blends the expertise of multiple care providers and specialists along with feedback from patients and their caregivers.

This model facilitates your health providers working together to ensure you receive the best care possible and achieve the best outcomes.

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Our in-hospital setting enables our doctors to work closely with a wide range of healthcare professionals to solve even the most complex problems and provide superior care.

Top physician referrals include orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, primary care physicians and more.

Learn more about the providers we work with.

I had severe back pain after dunking a basketball during a recreational men’s pick-up game. My back hurt so bad, I could not make it to work the next day. After two treatments with Dr. Moss, I was back to work AND playing ball. Thanks MyoCore for all you do!